Men’s Work

Have you ever experienced feeling disconnected from yourself, your loved ones and your role in the community?

You might not even be aware of it but this disconnection can look like depression, loneliness, anxiety, hopelessness, anger or addiction and often leads to your life feeling unmanageable.

There are generally two ways you might find yourself managing this disconnection.

To suppress the feeling, often through screen time, alcohol, work, sex, self-pleasure, codependence, self-improvement, spirituality, food, drugs or money.


To project the feeling out onto something or someone outside of yourself. Often through blame, resentment, criticism, judgement and contempt or pity.

These first two have the enduring sense of endless unfulfillment.

I support men to master a third way.

To turn towards yourself and embody an intimate connection with who you really are including acknowledging your thoughts, feelings, desires and needs.

The Men’s work I facilitate is about finding out who you really are, why you are here and what you are going to do about it.

We then consciously direct the core areas of your life into alignment with your true identity, purpose and values.

Would you like to align with your purpose, transcend your conditioning and see what an authentic life looks like for you?

Book a free 30 minute call to find out if we are a good fit.

or fill out the contact form bellow and Mike will get back to you as soon as possible.